Monday, November 24, 2014

I'm Amazing Amy

Which “Gone Girl” Character Are You?

  1. You got: Amy Dunne

    Amazing Amy. You’re a planner. You’re organized. And you don’t trust anyone. Sure, you have some parent problems, but you ALWAYS get what you want…even if you have to kill for it.

    20th Century Fox
Maybe I shouldn't be surprised on this one...Just kidding! But I wonder what it would be like to take a serious quiz analyzing what character you would be. It's possible I would still be Amy, but I don't think so. Buzzfeed quizzes like these just ask you what's your favorite color and pet and other random things. They have hardly anything to do with actually being like the character.
Am I anything like Amy? I like to plan things I suppose, but I'm not particularly organized. But I guess I do pay attention to small details. I'm not quite as sociopathic as her, to say the least. It's funny though, I'm not offended or anything by getting her. She is very smart and she knows what she wants and how to get it. Though I certainly wouldn't want to be her even for a second it's, not nice, but interesting to know that at least according to Buzzfeed I am somewhat similar to Amy Elliot Dunne.

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