Friday, May 8, 2015

In Which I Complain About Tiny Details

Jennifer Lawrence is an amazing actress and I love her. Katniss really comes to life on screen and still retains her main character traits while being more likable which is needed since we are not inside her head.
That leads me to another good thing, no voiceovers. It would have been so annoying if they had Katniss narrate the whole thing just because the book is in first person. If they had done that there would have been no point in adapting it to the screen in the first place.
Also because we are not in Katniss' head it is nice to get to see what is happening outside the arena in the games. We get to see the Gamemakers at work, President Snow, the beginnings of rebellion in District 11, and both Capitol and District 12 viewers of the Games.
Stanley Tucci is such a great actor and he really makes the small role of Caesar Flickerman unforgettable. I could not stop smiling when he was on screen.
I really liked the whole atmosphere of District 12 and the Capitol.  I like that District 12 seems to be set in the past with the styles of clothing. It almost looked like people living in the Great Depression. This contrasted so much with the crazy futuristic fashions of the Capitol.

As sad as Rue's death was in the movie, I thought it was so much sadder in the book. I'm not sure exactly what it was, but I think the pacing had something to do with it.
Overall the pacing of the movie was just all right. As much as I love the scenes in District 12 and the Capitol, in fact those are my favorite parts, I think more time was needed in the Games. There just wasn't enough urgency like there is in the books during the Games. It annoyed me that Katniss just kind of stands there for a good five minutes when the bloodbath at the Cornucopia is going on. She should be making split second decisions at that point. Also she finds water way too quickly. In the book she nearly dies of dehydration.
Josh Hutcherson is also kind of annoying as Peeta and though I think he is good in the Capitol scenes he emphasizes all of Peeta's weaknesses once the actual Games start.

One thing I really did not like in the movie was the way the Careers were portrayed. I think I understand the interpretation they were going for which was a very teenagery mean cool kid type thing but I just did  not find them intimidating at all. I hate that part where they're laughing and clomping through the woods after killing the girl who set the fire. I get that the director is trying to show what little regard for human life the society has but I just found it annoying and not effective. Glimmer saying something like "Did you see her face? She was like, 'Oh please don't kill me!'" seemed so forced and kind of badly ad libbed.
Wow that was a really nitpicky criticism but its the one thing in this movie that has annoyed me so much every time I have watched it.
Apparently they're not happy about my opinion.

Overall the movie's a really good adaptation. Most of what is important from the book is in the movie but I kind of feel like some of the spirit of the book got lost along the way. Luckily, Catching Fire is even better and stands alone as a really good movie while still being a really good adaptation.

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